Sometimes protection of VMs in Site Recovery Manager (SRM) might fail with error 'VmAlreadyProtected'. A quick workaround would be to remove the vm from vCenter's inventory and add it back.
Below is a PowerCLI sample to remove all VMs and add them back.
# connect to VIServer
$vi = Connect-VIServer <VIServer_IP> -user <Username> -password <password>
# get vm list
$vm_list = Get-VM
# save working dir
$old_pwd = Get-Location
# loop over all vms
$skipped = 0;
$processed = 0;
$errorText = ''
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; # Make all errors terminating
foreach ($vm in $vm_list) {
# Shutdown VM
try {
if( $vm.powerstate -ne 'PoweredOff') {
Write-Output "Shutting down vm '$vm'"
Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vm -Confirm:$false
# Wait for Shutdown to complete
# max wait time-out
$timeout = 120 # unit: seconds
do {
#Wait 5 seconds
Write-Output 'wait 5 seconds to check the power status...'
Start-Sleep -s 5
$timeout -= 5
#Check the power status
$status = (Get-VM -id $
}until(($status -eq "PoweredOff") -Or ($timeout -le 0))
if( $timeout -le 0) {
$t = "Error: Timed-out while shuting down vm '$vm', will ignore this one and continue."
Write-Output $t
$errorText += $t + "`n"
catch {
$t = "Error: Caught exception while shuting down vm '$vm', will ignore this one and continue."
Write-Output $t
$errorText += $t + "`n"
$ds_path = ($vm | Get-Datastore).DatastoreBrowserPath # sample: vmstores:\\dc_pri\datastore1
$vmHost = $vm | get-vmhost
# get vm folder name on datastore
$vm.extensionData.config.files.VmPathName -match "\[.+\] (\S+)/" # sample: [datastore1] test1_1/test1.vmx
$folder = $matches[1]
$vm_folderpath = $ds_path + "\" + $folder
cd $vm_folderpath
$vmxFile = Get-Item ($ + ".vmx")
try {
Write-Output "Removing vm '$vm' with path '$vm_folderpath'"
Remove-VM -VM $vm -Confirm:$false -DeletePermanently:$false
catch {
$t = "Error: Caught exception while removing vm '$vm', will ignore this one and continue."
Write-Output $t
$errorText += $t + "`n"
try {
Write-Output "Registering vm $vm..."
New-VM -VMHost $vmhost -VMFilePath $vmxFile.DatastoreFullPath
catch {
$t = "Caught exception while adding vm '$vm', will ignore this one and continue."
Write-Output $t
$errorText += $t + "`n"
cd $old_pwd
Write-Output "Job finished. Processed: $processed, skipped: $skipped"
if( $errorText -ne '') {
Write-Output "Errors: `n$errorText"